segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

[ I Need a JoB ]

.......... It's been a while since the last time I wrote an article of my own. It's a little hard to focus lately 'cause I'm a little worried with my future. I think I might be in some sort of twisted 20's crisys. I'm about to turn 20 years old and have no clue of what I wanna be when I grow up.

.......... I joined Marketing College but it turns out it wasn't exacly what I expected and I don't wanna graduate being a professional in that area. Should've went for something like web design or anything more like me.

.......... Right about now I'm very concerned with the fact that I'm sort of being not helpful to my parents. They are great, never complained about my crisys and always help me with them, but I feel like it's time to payback. As I'm not working I try to help by taking my goddoughter to school which is helpful to my mom that has to drop her and take and her home later. I'm now doing the take her home part. I'm trying my best at domestic jobs. Even thought I can't cook nor wash clothes. I can clean, sweep the broom. And keep my bedroom decently livable.

.......... However I feel that there's something missing. Something that seems to be out there. And my senses claim that is a job. A job to occupie myself. To learn from practicing. To gain experience. I'm tired of theories. I'm seeking a job. Won't quit 'til I get one. o/